In the environment we live in right now, it’s hard to NOT to hear or see something about the Corona Virus everywhere you look. So here’s my 2 cents.
Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer. If you feel sick, stay home. Avoid traveling, especially on planes and overseas. And taking a cruise right now might not be the best idea as a get away. That’s it!
Don’t let the media scare you into anything else, and don’t leave your health up to luck. If you do the above and listen to what your local government suggests, this will pass over just like every other world ending plague we’ve seen over the last 20 years.
Do the same for your vehicle. Don’t let any shop scare you into anything you are not familiar with. If we suggest you need brakes, tires, wiper blades etc., ask me to show you! Why not? Your shop should be trustworthy and transparent! I welcome you to test me on it.
Do your regular maintenance. If nothing else than changing your fluids, regular maintenance puts a certified technician's eyes on your vehicle 2-4 times a year and helps avoid costly repairs due to being unaware of an issue. Technician surveys help make tires last longer, prolong engine and transmission lives as well as protecting your investment!
Until next time… stay healthy!

JP Snead